
Today, access floors are the best solution for many projects where technical flexibility is required.
The completely accessible interspaces created by the access floor allows for a totally free and unobstructed alignment and re-alignment of all electrical and hydraulic ducts, cabling and wiring without any obstacles. Consequently it is easy moving or creating new work stations with telephones, computers and lighting systems. All these prerogatives together with the possibility of accessing to the plenum make the Raised Access Floor an indispensable element in the construction of offices, banks, control stations and other areas with open space lay-outs.
The Different types of  Raised access floors  as required by the raised floor market are:

* Wood panel
* Calcium sulfate core panel
* Cement fill panel
* Fully steel encapsulated panel

Areas of Application

  • Data Centers.
  • Computers Rooms.
  • Tele communications Building
  • Electrical Room.